Augusta Technical College

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Student 资源

Special Populations

The Special Populations Coordinator is to ensure that members of special populations receive services.  Special services are provided for special populations to ensure equal access and considered essential to the successful participation of some disadvantaged students in career and technical education programs. 学生 with the greatest needs have top priority for services.

Who is eligible for Special Populations Services?

  • individuals with disabilities;
  • individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including low-income youth;
  • individuals preparing for non-traditional fields;
  • single parents, including single pregnant women;
  • out-of-workforce individuals;
  • English learners;
  • homeless individuals;
  • youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care system; and
  • youth with parents on active duty in the armed forces.
To request Special Populations Services please contact:
Special Populations Coordinator
Phone: (706) 771-4031
Fax: (706) 771-4034


How does a student receive Special Populations Services?


A student may request assistance for services with the Special Populations Coordinator by coming to the Special Populations Office to schedule an appointment, by calling to schedule an appointment, or by sending an e-mail to schedule an appointment.

教师/工作人员 Referral

A 教师/工作人员 Member may refer a student by submitting an alert through the TCSG Early Alert Management System (TEAMS).
The Special Populations Coordinator will contact the student to schedule an appointment.

Community/Social Services Referral

An organization such as Division of Family and Children Services or Department of Labor may request that a current student or potential student set up an appointment by coming to the Counseling Center, by sending an e-mail, 或者打电话.

Examples of Supportive Special Populations Services

Personal guidance, information and advice regarding use of available school and community resources, with referrals to social service agencies if needed, to assist with overcoming any barriers to success.

Textbook Lending 图书馆 with a limited number of textbooks, available to students who qualify based on financial need.

Presentations on various topics, including:

  • 钱的技能
  • 健康 & 健康
  • Parenting Skills
  • Nontraditional Careers

Pamphlets, books, DVD’s and other materials related to issues of concern, including:

  • Single Mothers Entering the 工作 Force
  • Developing 工作place Skills
  • 为父之道
  • Women in Nontraditional Careers
  • Cooperative Co-Parenting
  • Money Management
  • Coping with Divorce
  • Domestic Violence Intervention

Referrals to the Special Needs/Disabilities Counselor for screening of possible learning disabilities and/or academic adjustments for documented disabilities.

Referrals to English as a Second Language classes for students identifying as Limited English Proficiency (LEP).  These classes are coordinated by the Adult Education Department.


